Building a Fedora KDE image for use with Public Cloud Providers

Building a Fedora KDE image for use with Public Cloud Providers

This talk outlines the use of the popular project kiwi to build images in the same way that we are building them for the Fedora Cloud Edition, but then takes it a step further than the base images and identifies the process we use to build and test an cloud image that includes all of the necessary components to run a KDE desktop from a Public cloud provider, in this case, Amazon EC2. We’ll use the freely available Nice-DCV software provided by Amazon and install it as a part of our process. Our process is outlined on github for anyone to review and enjoy. Slides will be updated using the original introduction to this topic from Fedora Flock in Cork Ireland in middle 2023.




Saturday, April 12, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Room 1
