Things I wish I knew about containers sooner rather than later.

Things I wish I knew about containers sooner rather than later.

Starting my career in the pre-virtualization era, I’ll admit containers passed me by at first. There was much to learn and work on in the bare-metal space, and containers were not a focus for some time. Containers have undeniably impacted the industry, and my learning journey started at square one. This session will begin with the perspective of a systems administrator who needs to understand the role containers can play in an environment. We’ll touch on a wide array of topics:

  • Linux technologies that make containers happen
  • Different container runtimes
  • Container networking
  • Container storage
  • Multi-container management
  • Building a custom container

The attendee will gain an understanding of container topics that go beyond what a container is and focus on how containers integrate into an environment.




Saturday, April 12, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Room 2
